Best thing about firefox is the ability for the user to customize the browser in thousand ways. Daily 100's of extensions add up to the stable of firefox. Here are top favourites for me -
1. Mouse Gestures: I can't live without this. I carried this habit from my short switchover to Maxthon (a good but 'heavy' browser).
2. Google Toolbar: Yeah, this is a must have. Especially the Level Up button on the toolbar is very useful apart from the Google Suggest in the search box which predicts the search term. Level Up takes you one level up in the directory of a site.
3. IE Tab: I think this is the one extension which virtually makes Internet Explorer browser totally dispensable. Great extension especially for the websites not configured for other browsers.
4. GreaseMonkey: Genie comes and asks what are your 2 wishes? I say Give me a Million Dollars and second wish is - grant me 2 more wishes! Well, GreaseMonkey is that second wish for a firefox user. It opens door to millions of other extensions called user scripts (which run on GreaseMonkey).
5. Adblock Plus: It sits there without ever attracting your attention and there it really wins. It IS supposed not to distract the Firefox users by the ugliest Internet phenomenon - Pop-ups.
Other honorable mentions are - Tab Mix Plus, Google Notebook extension and Scrapbook.
You can install these extensions for your Firefox browser here.
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