Genre: Crime / Drama
Story: An intriguing story of deceptions. A constant cat and mouse game between a cop who is turned into an undercover gangster and a gangster who has penetrated police line up. Watch the 'Macbeth'ish end of the drama. This a Scorcessian treatment of 'Internal Affairs'.
To Watch For: Leonardo D'Caprio. He stands tall in front of behemoth actor Jack Nicolson.
Rating: 4 star [1-Hate it.2-Poor.3-Good Time-pass.4-Perfect Entertainment.5-Classic]
Recommendation: A must watch.
IMDB: 8.6 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93 %
Rating: 4 star [1-Hate it.2-Poor.3-Good Time-pass.4-Perfect Entertainment.5-Classic]
Recommendation: A must watch.
IMDB: 8.6 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93 %