Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Most Useful Firefox Shortcuts


Those who work on a PC/ Mac for whole day understand the pain of working with mouse. Mouse is actually a single piece of machine which at once is cumbersome & indispensible. This dilemma of mouse can however be solved with the help of keyboard shortcuts.

Following are the shortcuts which I use most often in Firefox environment.

1. Ctrl+Enter: This is for the URL's which are like http://www.some This shortcut directly puts the bold part of URL. e.g. for, just type wordpress in address bar & hit Ctrl+Enter

2. Shift+Enter: Works in same fashion as above for URL's containing .net

3. Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Works in same fashion as above for URL's containing .org

4. Ctrl+T: This opens a new tab besides current tab

5. Ctrl+Tab: This helps in navigating between the tabs. Working with Tabs is made better if you download the Tab Mix Plus extension. You can download this extension here.

6. Ctrl+L: Take the control to Address box.

7. Ctrl+K: Take the control to Firefox search box.

8. Ctrl+W: Closes the current tab.

9. Backspace: To move to previous page.

10. Shift+Backspace: To move to next page.

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